Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What is Biblically Acceptable?

On pages 72-73 of Gospel Worship, Burroughs discusses the problem of acceptance of sin. He tells how when a person commits a particular sin it causes guilt at first but gradually as one commits it repeatedly it becomes more acceptable and the guilt diminishes. He also states that the same thing can happen when you are doing what it right or making the right choices. It is hard to make the right decision at first but over time it becomes more natural.
This is something that has become more ready in our society today. Things that were not acceptable 50 years ago are now considered okay. My question to you is this, what has become acceptable in our personal lives and in society today that should not be acceptable?

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to discuss this one tomorrow in class, Bethany. This is a great question!
