Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's the attitude of our heart

So for me this has been really on my mind lately with the text reading we’ve been doing. I’ve been confused about the text and the way it’s been explaining on how we’re not to use images as our worship, and for someone like me I feel very much lead to use my artwork as a way to worship. I’m trying to wrap my mind around how this is bad.  I can understand if this only means just the attempt to try to create a visual of what we imagine God to look like. But everything I’ve read just makes it seem that any sort of image is bad to do. In EWG it talks about how “ is the attitude of the heart that really matters.” and how we’re to have  “obedience and faithfulness in every sphere of life...” So wouldn’t that mean that if it’s something that’s on our heart to be doing, no matter what it is as long as we’re doing it 100% for God that it’s acceptable?
In GPTG it talks about how we don’t have “cookie-cutter patterns.” and that it’s flexible. I’m just not sure- this might be something completely obvious to most of you, but I’m still new to all this.

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