Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Burroughs mentions a couple things about worship in todays reading that I will classify as distractions in worship (at least I find they are to me). The first comes on page 92 where he talks about how we should be happy for our brother and sisters who appear to be "more enlarged in the worship of God" than ourselves. Whenver I see a brother or sister apparently worshipping God in a more connected way than myself the only thing I feel is jealousy for it gives testament to where I lack in my own worship of God.

The second instance is on page 97 where Burroughs laments how we are so easily distracted from the task at hand of worshipping God in whatever way we find ourselves. How can we treat our great God in such a way as to not pay attention to Him. It's quite the oxi-moron. Here we are in church with the purpose of engaging ourselves in the worship of our great God and then we don't even pay attention to what we are saying or singing or reading or hearing because our minds are finding something else apparently more important to be preoccupied with.

These two things are just frustrations in my own life pertaining to the worship of God. Do any of you struggle with these things? How have you overcome, or how are you dealing with them?

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