Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Give Praise to God, pp. 1-16

1. What were the five expressions that characterized James Montgomery Boice's worship with "joyous dignity?" [1]

2. How did Boice work on the problem with his ne0-0rthodox professors at Princeton? [4]

3. What closing words did Carl F.H. Henry have for Boice at the closing of his ordination in 1967? [5]

4. How did Boice end up defining worship? [6]

5. What troubled Dr. Boice concerning the shift in worship he was seeing? [7]

6. How did Boice structure the liturgy ["work of the people"] of his church? [8]

7. What is the working definition of the Regulative principle mentioned in your text? [12]

8. What does Calvin call our hearts by nature? [15]

9. What is an orthodox understanding of a "means of grace?" [16]

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