Jones in GPTG (222-223) deals with the issue of how the church is becoming more and more like the culture.
"Fifty years ago the idea that one would need to argue in support of the existence and use of hymns in the worship of the church would have been laughable, With the exception of those who held to exclusive psalmody, hymns were an element of Christian worship as customary as bread at mealtime. In the postmodern, post-Christian age in which we live, however, we should not be surprised that worship and worship music in evangelical churches have followed the path of out culture.( 222)"
He continues after that statement dealing with the entire value system of the church, its philosophy, object of attention, and occupation. Why if the church is supposed to be God centered does it seem to be continually getting farther from the WORD of God? Why is our success measured by our numbers, our relevance by technology, and our worship by how good it makes us feel?(223) When did God stop being our God and when did we begin to take HIS place in the church.
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