"Therefore you must take heed you do not come with your stomachs full of trash, as children do when they can get plumbs and pears and fill their stomachs with them when they come to your tables. Though there is never so much wholesome diet, they have no mind to it at all" (GW, pg. 244)
I could not help but see broader application of this principle to our discussion last week. As we discussed causes of dry seasons in personal worship, I'm not sure that we came at it from this particular angle. Nonetheless, it is true that desire for Christ in daily worship, like desire for Christ in communion, can be dulled by a daily intake of lesser "foods". Often the reason daily Bible reading seems boring, daily prayer appears dry, or taking communion feels mundane is because we have allowed a thousand less-fulfilling things to take the place of these means of communion with Christ.
Though Burroughs has probably already modeled it for us, how do we set about teaching people in our churches the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus in daily life? How do we re-train our own taste-buds?
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