Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Worship is not about us.

The most important lesson to remember about worship is that it is not for us it is for God. That is what Gospel Worship is talking about; worshiping God has nothing to do with us except to be in the right mind set for Him. We are supposed to give praise to God while thinking of Him, not our selves. We might find ourselves thinking about how worshiping God is going to be beneficial to us and we are not in the correct mind set when this is happening. It is a time when we are lifting up our Savior in praise and only focusing on Him.

Worship includes giving something, and that something is our selves. We are to be giving God our full attention when we worship Him. All God wants is our attention, He wants all the time He is able to get with us. If we are only thinking about ourselves that is very sinful. When we give God our attention He wants all of it, He deserves all of it. God is worthy of our worship and we need to show that by not focusing on ourselves anymore.

When we go to take and eat the Lord’s Supper we ask of His forgiveness first. If you do not talk to God about your sins and ask of His forgiveness for everything before you take the Lord’s Supper then there is no use in taking it. This is because we are not being respectful of Him and we are not thinking about Him. We are to take the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of Him not of our sins. We ask for forgiveness so that when we do eat and drink of Him we are doing it with clean souls. We need to come to the Lord clean.

When we pray to God we should not unroll a list of things we want Him to do for us. We need to thank Him for everything, come to Him asking for forgiveness. Worshiping God has nothing to do with our selves; it is all about Him and how great He is.

1 comment:

  1. Moriah, great to have you in class. Right, we don't preach ourselves but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as servants for the sake of Jesus." Narcissism is killing the church. Have a Merry Christmas Alaskan Christmas!
